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C_FSUTIL_60 Utilities with SAP ERP 6.0


C_FSUTIL_60 Utilities with SAP ERP 6.0

O exame de certificação “C_FSUTIL_60 Utilities with SAP ERP 6.0” verifica se o candidato possui habilidades comprovadas e conhecimento fundamental da solução SAP for Utilities para o setor. Isso comprova que o candidato possui um bom e global entendimento dentro desse perfil de consultor, podendo aplicar esse conhecimento de forma prática em projetos sob a orientação de um consultor experiente. A certificação é recomendada como qualificação inicial para consultores que participam de projetos SAP for Utilities.

Para garantir o sucesso, a SAP recomenda combinar cursos de educação e experiência prática para se preparar para o exame de certificação, pois as perguntas testarão sua capacidade de aplicar o conhecimento adquirido no treinamento.

Você não tem permissão para usar nenhum material de referência durante o teste de certificação (sem acesso à documentação online ou a qualquer sistema SAP).

Tópicos C_FSUTIL_60

  • Billing and Invoicing

Crie categorias de taxas de cobrança e tipos de taxas, defina taxas de cobrança, preços e descontos. Processe uma fatura individual. Processar uma fatura.

  • Create master data

Crie objetos de dados mestres técnicos e objetos de dados mestres de negócios. Adapte e aprimore objetos de dados para requisitos complexos e crie dados mestres para mercados desregulamentados.

  • Customer Service

Registre observações sobre contatos de clientes e registros de interação, processe solicitações de entrada e saída e crie uma ordem de serviço.

  • Configure basic functions

Crie estruturas regionais, configure agendamentos, crie determinações de agentes, configure agendamentos em lote e configure relatórios padrão para relatórios financeiros.

  • Device Management: manage devices

Exiba todos os dispositivos para um cliente e identifique as categorias de dispositivos e visualize os dados de conexão do dispositivo. Instale, remova e substitua um dispositivo e determine a localização do dispositivo.

  • FI-CA: Manage payments

Exiba o histórico de cobrança de uma conta de contrato e crie um plano de parcelamento. Exibir informações financeiras sobre uma conta de cliente.

  • FI-CA: Post items

Lançar itens a receber, pagamentos usando um lote de pagamento e pagamentos no caixa. Poste um retorno.

  • Validate integration

Testar integração com SAP General Ledger e integração com SAP CRM.

  • Device Management: process meter readings

Visualize os resultados da leitura do medidor e processe leituras do medidor agendadas e não programadas.

Cursos para certificação

  • IUT110 Business Processes in SAP for Utilities
  • IUT210 Master Data and Basic Functions in SAP for Utilities

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Questions C_FSUTIL_60

Which processes are supported within the standard SAP CRM Utilities Interaction Center agent business role? (Choose three.)

A billing document is outsorted and needs to be corrected. How do you proceed?
Why does the meter reading status show an asterisk while reviewing a specific meter reading using Manual Monitoring (EL31)?
You are attempting to create master data to test the billing process. When you perform a full installation for the device, you must input the rate type for each billing-relevant register. You enter a valid value in the rate field and choose enter. Why might the system return an error message and prevent you from saving?
Which questions can you answer based on a review of the installation data environment? (Choose three.)
Which master data object enables electronic data exchange between market participants?
Which of the following must exist before an agent can create an automatic billing document?
Which functions does a transaction control in FI-CA? (Choose three.)
A company decides that all newly created connection objects will be reviewed by the appropriate regions to ensure data accuracy. You recommend agent determination based on responsibilities. Based on your recommendation, what should the company be made aware of?
Which SAP technical master data object can be influenced by the SAP regional structure?
Which processes can be directly called within the account display transaction? (Choose three.)
You define portions and meter reading units (MRUs) for a customer who bills monthly on an interval basis. Every other month is scheduled to be estimated. Which settings can be maintained during schedule master record configuration? (Choose two.)
Which of the following is a valid sequence for processing payment lots after they have been created?
A landlord complains that the service was not activated in their name after the tenant moved out. What could be the reason?
A financial clerk is posting an FI-CA document. Which scenarios can be posted? (Choose three.)
What information is contained in the general ledger items portion of the FI-CA document? (Choose three.)
Which transactions support the FI-CA integration with General Ledger Accounting? (Choose three.)
The potential proration of charges that are calculated during billing can be determined based on different criteria, such as a date interval or to the day. Which of the following indicators do you use to control the way in which the billing period is utilized for charge calculation?
Why could a final invoice fail to be created after the customer reported a move-out?
You post a receivable for a contract account and receivable account 154001 is determined by the system. What information could you change within the posting document that would enable the system to determine a different receivable account?
Which of the following is always necessary for an SAP IS-U movein document?
Your customer has multiple portions defined, and is designing the meter reading units (MRUs) to be allocated. Which rule is applicable?
When a device is replaced, which data of the old device is automatically transferred to the new device? (Choose three.)
Which field value would enable you to determine if a device is a meter or a transformer?
You want to perform period-related billing using load shape data. How would you set this up?
While reviewing a customer’s interaction history within the Interaction Center you discover that some interactions are missing from the interaction history. What may explain this?
Which blocks can you set on the contract account? (Choose three.)
What is the required technical master data for the SAP IS-U move-in?
You are operating in a deregulated market where a single service provider (ACME Service Provider) has multiple roles: measure grid usage and send bills to customers. What can you conclude about ACME Service Provider’s role within this market?
Into which SAP Utilities process is the creation of service orders integrated?

Devices of a particular device category are due for certification. What is the correct process to replace the sample devices?

Which of the following documents can be used to generate an individual invoice? (Choose three.)
A company is mandated to provide a specific number of days before an invoice is considered past due. A customer contacts the company asking to receive friendly-reminder SMS text messages after the invoice becomes past due. Which field value can you configure to enable this?
A tariff requires that for the same contract account, the consumption from the water meter is used to bill the water consumption charge and the waste water consumption charge. How can the water meter be installed to meet this tariff requirement?
A supplier has won new customers in a gas and electricity network. How can the network subdivisions be modeled in IS-U?
3 Which of the following are valid relationships for technical master data creation? (Choose two.)
Within the document display transaction, you find a document with one item that has 12 repetition items. Which documents can create this situation? (Choose three.)
Before you executed meter reading order creation, you established the appropriate control functions to influence the order creation process. Which control function can you specify for order creation?
Customer service agents use the account display transaction (FPL9) to display information. How do you add an additional field to the display?
A factor operand FACTOR1 is defined in the master data as follows: In installation facts, FACTOR1 has a value of 10 from November 1 2012 to December 31 9999. In rate facts, FACTOR1 has a value of 1 from July 1 2012 to December 31 9999. In rate category facts, FACTOR1 has a value of 5 from June 1 2012 to December 31 9999. Using this master data, you bill the contract from July 1 2012 to July 31 2012. What value will the billing engine determine for the operand FACTOR1?
The Shop-Smart department store chain has entered your service territory with 8 stores in different regions. Each store’s consumption bill must be sent to the respective store as well as to the head office. One central business partner will be created to represent the department store chain. What is a valid way to set up master data for this account?
How could you change the billing date for a single customer without adjusting the meter reading unit?
A device can be installed in different ways What information do you need specifically for a technical installation?
If the variant settings for transaction FPL9 only include non-statistical items, which items would you always see? (Choose three.)
You enter a meter reading manually and receive a message informing you that the reading failed a relative tolerance validation. What type of meter reading validation is this?
In the attached image you can see a double-rate meter (Dev. 1), controlled by a ripple control receiver (ARCR). One of the registers in Dev. 1 has a relationship with a register in another meter (Dev. 2). Consumption in Dev. 2 is automatically deducted from consumption in the main register in Dev. 1 during the billing run. What type of register relationship is described here?
A customer integrates with an automated meter reading operation system. Which point of delivery role must be selected to enable communication with this system?
The user successfully executed the individual bill transaction for the contract account. The account balance was not updated. Why could this have happened? (Choose two.)
Which data is maintained on contract account level? (Choose three.)
What is the valid sequence for processing scheduled meter readings?
When reviewing the account balance display transaction (FPL9) you notice that all of the documents start with different numbers. Based on this information, what else can you conclude to be different about the documents?
In which locations can you assign a rate type for a customer? (Choose three.)
With which other components is the Industry Solution for Utilities directly integrated? (Choose three.)
You have created the following master data: • Connection object • Premise • Installation • Point of delivery • Device location • Register group • Device category • Device info record When you try to do a full installation, you receive a system error. What would most probably be the cause of the error in this scenario?
Dunning procedure A1 is defined with two levels, 01 and 02. Level 01 has a dunning frequency of 1 day and days in arrears of 7. Level 02 has a dunning frequency of 5 days and days in arrears of 17. A customer has an open item due on June 5 and was dunned to level 01 on June 12. If dunning is executed every day, on which date will level 02 be reached?
A utility company bills monthly, and considers any billing period that has a length of 25-35 days to be a normal monthly bill. Where would you enter the interval so that when interval-based period control is selected, the billing engine considers the billing period length when determining the rate step calculation?
A nonresidential tariff specifies that the delivery charge is calculated based on an hourly price. Which master data object should be used to store the hourly prices?
Which of the following processes is unable to establish a billing construct that is billable?
Which criteria are used to group the underlying FICA documents for transfer to General Ledger Accounting? (Choose three.)
How can you prevent dunning for a specific account?

What is the SAP recommended approach for a company to validate address data with external vendors?

Which object requires you to define an outsorting check group?
What can you conclude from the information shown in the SAP CRM Interaction Center (see the attached screenshot)?
Which types of services are supported by the Industry Solution for Utilities? (Choose three.)
You create a business partner in the role of contract partner and attempt to create a Sales and Distribution document for requested goods. However, the system outputs an error message stating that the customer does not exist. Which IS-U Customizing setting has most likely not been made?
Which optional tasks are supported by configuration in the invoicing process?
On May 15, you try to process dunning for an account with an issue date of May 10. Why does dunning fail to produce a result?
Which SAP CRM process results in a product allocation in IS-U?
The system should propose data elements when you create technical master data. Which standard option is available for accomplishing this?
A contract account has multiple services including deregulated electricity, gas, water, and waste water. The joint invoicing indicators are set on the contracts as follows: Electric Distribution = 1(must), Electric Supply = 1 (must), Gas = 3 (must not), Water = 2 (can), Waste water = 2 (can). How many invoices are produced when you execute the invoice process if billing documents exist for the Electric Distribution, Gas, and Water services?
Which objects are maintained in both SAP CRM and SAP ERP? (Choose two.)
A customer moves in to a premise and requests electricity service starting on June 7. According to the schedule records, the scheduled meter reading date is June 29, the scheduled billing date is July 1, and the allocation date for billing is June 30. Given that batch billing is executed every night with all portions included, what is the first day the customer’s contract could be billed?
You discover that some work orders within a regional structure area are receiving incorrect maintenance plant assignments. Which of the following steps may be required to resolve the inconsistency?
You use parallel processing to execute the dunning proposal. A variant for object VKONT is used with interval size 1000 and the number of intervals as 1000. Which of the following is a result of the batch scheduling process?
What is the main purpose of the reconciliation key?
Which processes can be executed against cleared items? (Choose three.)
Which object can be used in monitoring (EL31) to view meter reading results?
Which factors can influence the returns process?
During which processes is clearing control active?
A housing cooperation builds a new apartment complex with 10 units. Each apartment is individually provided with electricity and is expected to be billed separately. The electricity company requires that all meters measure on and off-peak consumption. All meters should be centrally installed. What is the minimum number of data objects you need to create?

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