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C_THINK1_02 SAP Design Thinking


Questions C_THINK1_02 SAP Design Thinking

The design thinking process is linear.
Bringing together diverse perspectives unlocks potential. Modern challenges are too big and complex for any one person, discipline, or even industry. Note: There are1 correct answers to this question.
When customer development and product development happen simultaneously? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Think about a_________________________________questionnaireas you develop your design challenge statement: how might we enhance/create/improve/redesign/expand/grow/….? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Which is a process of constructive conflict that merges into unifying solutions through the power of observation, synthesis, searching and generating alternatives, critical thinking, feedback, visual representation, creativity, problem solving, and value creations? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Are insights and observations the same thing?
What will provide many insights you will benefit from while building a solution? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
The elements of empathy and user engagement make design thinking inherently an ethical endeavor.
_________________________can be an alternative or a complement to observation. Note:There are 1 correct answers to this question
What is the golden rule of interviewing? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
By which process, test your designs, get feedback, and give yourself a chance to make improvements before investing the time to develop? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Recognizing__________________generates insights that enable us to see everyday things in a new light. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Design thinking does not see failure as a threat as long as it happens early and is used as a springboard for further learning – in other words “_________________”. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What are the 3 steps to interviewing? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
__________________________is an important part of the ideation process. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Inspiration (1st phase of design thinking) starts with a broad problem, or what is called ________________________________________. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
The ideation process is in line with the__________________view described in the Practice of Entrepreneurship, as it requires general openness to the world and involves using our creative ability to solve problems. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
A software company likes to use the User Story Mapping method in conjunction with Design Thinking. For which purpose would yourecommend using User Story Mapping? Please choose the correct answer. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
One of the most common interviewing mistakes. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
The CEO of IDEO credits one key phrase for sparking the design thinking process: “_______________________________” Note: There are 1 correct answers tothis question.
The “why” behind something. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What is the essence of design thinking? Note: There are 1 correct answers to thisquestion.
The design-thinking process is based on what two main types of thinking? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
What is the Stanford Design School five phases of design thinking? (another variation of the design thinking process)
Of the 3 maincriteria for a successful idea – feasibility, viability, and desirability – which is th e starting point? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
_______________________________are more easily identified by observing rather than talking. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Those companies that succeed in identifying and satisfyingthe needs of customers have a better chance of gaining that allimportant________________________________________. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What are the dimensions of observation? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
What is experiment – learn – repeat ? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question
Divergentthinking is similar to the practice of_______________, which free the imagination, opens up ours minds to a wealth of opportunities and possibilities, and helps us become more innovative. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What is BUILD THEN SHIR hope hypothesis was correct 1. very costly if wrong? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question
The_____________________phase uses brainstorming as a way to generate as many ideas as possible tomeet the need identified in the____________________phase. Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Which of the following techniques are structured ideation techniques? Note: There are2 correct answers to this question.
How do we become successful design thinkers? What is the first step? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
IDEOlooks on the design-thinking process as a system of____________________, rather than a linear, predictive approach where organizations determine the goals they need to achieve and look for the resources to enable them to reach their goals. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
The concept of design thinking aligns with many of the facets of: The Practice of Entrepreneurship (it incorporates the core elements of the practice and the essential skills of play, empathy, reflection, creation, and experimentation)
Designers actively__________________people in their own environment to identify their real needs. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
An insight is NOT just reporting what you heard in the conversation, but insteadis a ______________________that identifies a customer need and explains why. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Taking a design-thinking approach forces you to answer an entirely different question in the beginning. The first question is what? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Observe,listen, and ask why? Find the “human problems” and fall in love with them. Understanding users is how we make solutions they want and will use. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What are thebrainstorming rules created by IDEO? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Design thinking is a human-centered approach.
While observations focus on the raw data that you have consciously recorded fromall the things you have heard and seen, an_______________comes later: it is an interesting, nonobvious piece of information derived from interview or observation data that drives opportunities. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
A____________________________should not be too narrow, nor should it be too broad.You want to have the freedom to imagine, but you also want to have some boundaries in order to manage the process. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
The empathy map contains four main components that help you organize data from people you interview: Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Observation gives designers the opportunity to develop_________________to better identify needs and ultimately develop solutions, which is an excellent way of seeing the world differently in order to capitalize on needs the competition hasn’t yet taken the time to recognize. Note: There are 1 correct answersto this question
What gets you to the root of the problem and builds optimism for both problem finding and problem solving? Note: There are 1 correctanswers to this question.
When beginning an interview, you should briefly state the____________________of the interview. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
By which process, empathize with your target userand stay focused by summarizing common user characteristics, needs and pain points into a single persona? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
The environment must facilitate collaboration and encouragerisk taking with a ‘fail early & fail of tern’ mentality. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
______________________enhances networking, plays role in effective leadership, promotes team building, and helps us understand not only how, but why people think and feel as they do. Note: There are 1 correct answers to thisquestion.
Design thinkers welcome_____________________and see them as opportunitiesto identify innovative solutions. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
These interviews are conducted after a customer has purchased or used a product/service. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
An_____________________________is a tool that helps you collate and integrate your interview data in order to discover surprising or unanticipated insights. It also enables you to uncover unmet needs, find the source of any frustrations, discover areas for improvement, explore different perspectives, and question your own assumptions and beliefs. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
The Minimally Viable Product 1. the product that is least expensive but gives a good representation of the product being sold – get customer feedback by spending least amount of money possible. Note: There are 1 correct answersto this question.
What are 4 notable characteristics about design thinking? Note: There are 4 correct answers to thisquestion.
An idea is deemed successful if it strikes a balance among these three main criteria: Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
What kinds of thoughts are allowed during a brain dump exercise? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Prototypes must beexpensive and sophisticated.
At the heart ofthe__________________________phase is low-cost experimentation through rapid prototyping, which creates an actual model of the product/service, which is then repeatedly tested for strengths and weaknesses until it leads from the project stage into people’s lives. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Building a culture of innovation takes collaborative, diverse, & empowered employees who seek empathy for their end-users. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What are four questions that are useful to ask during the ciesignthinking process? (another variation to the design thinkingprocess) Note: There are 4 correct answers to this question.
What is inspiration (Emphasize), Ideation (Create), Implementation (test)? Note: There are 1correct answers to this question.
This phase focuses on early, fast, cheap testing to strengthen ideas and ensure that the design team is on the right path toward meeting the demands of the people for whom they are designing. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What are the 2 most important techniques that entrepreneurs use during the inspiration phase? Note: There are 2 correctanswers to this question.
A useful interview technique that gives a way to delve into a problem one layer at a time. (Starts with the challenges they are facing and ends up at what emotions are driving their actions) Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Use your_____________________________data as a basis for coming up with ideas. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What is one of the biggest obstacles in trying new things or generating new ideas? Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
Why is desirability the starting point when it comes to a successful idea? Note: There are1 correct answers to this question.
During an interview, you should minimize yes/no questions and instead ask ______________________questions. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
By truly understanding the emotional and cultural realities of the people for whom you are designing, you will be more able to design a better solution with realvalue. This is why _________________is so important to the design process. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
_____________________________is also relevant to the implementation phase, asit involves acting in order to learn, trying something new, learning from the attempt, and building that learning into the next iteration. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
During the__________________________phase, ideas generated through the ideationprocess are transformed into concrete ideas. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What are the 3 main phases of design thinking? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question
Goal of the interview.
Working with sticky notes is a key activity in many Design Thinking workshops. What rules would you set when using sticky notes? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Which of the following techniques are structured ideation techniques? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Take risks. Be gritty. Learn from failure and adjust. Do it fast, and do it with an encouraging smile. Pessimism paralyzes, butbelief in what could be propels us forward. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
This leading innovation and design firm has popularized design thinking and takes on all sorts ofdiverse design challenges. Note: There are 1 correct answers to this question.
What is brainstorming?

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