SAP Tables for Technical
Authorisation objects
- TOBC Class assignment of authorisation objects
- TOBCT Texts for Authorisation Object Classes
- TOBF Business process < > Authorisation objects
- TOBFA Applications (connected with business processes)
- TOBFC Business processes in object classes (applications)
- TOBFT Texts for Business Processes (Functions)
- TOBJ Objects
- TOBJC Class assignment of authorisation objects
- TOBJT Texts for the objects (for TOBJ)
- TSTC_SM Control table SU22: Auth.obj.maint. for transactions
Batch input map’s
- APQI Batch Input Maps, Queue info definition
Batch jobs
- TBTCI Usage counter for the job’s internal report
- TBTCO Job status overview table
- TBTCP Batch job step overview
- TBTCS Batch-schedule-table
- TBTCSTEP Description of step values (BI-API)
- SNAP ABAP/4 snapshot for run-time errors
Correction & transport
- E070 R/3 command
- E070C Source and Target Client for Request E070
- E070CREATE Creation date of request
- E070L Number Range for Transport and Correction System
- E070N UNIX/SAP user connection
- E070P Path under which a C correction is created
- E070USE Use of Current Requests by Users
- E071 Objects of a request or task (E070)
- E071K Key objects (tables, views,…) of a correction
- E07T R/3 command file text
- T005 Countries
- T005A Address routines
- T005B Name of address routines
- T005E County
- T005F County: Texts
- T005G City
- T005H City: Texts
- T005I Communication: Country dialling code exceptions (Telex)
- T005J Communication: country dialling code exceptions (Telephone)
- T005K Communication: country dialling code
- T005N Name formats
- T005O Name format fields
- T005P Validation of tax keys
- T005Q Country keys for withholding tax calculation
- T005R Country keys for the withholding tax: Names
- T005S Taxes: Region (Province) Key
- T005T Country names
- T005U Taxes: Region Key: Texts
- T005X Countries – decimal point and date format (SET COUNTRY)
- TCURC Currency codes
Data elements
- DD04L Data elements
- DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts
- TDDIR Active field exits for data elements
Development classes
- TDEVC Transport System Development Classes
- DD01L Domains
- DD01T R/3 DD: domain texts
- DD07L R/3 DD: values for the domains
- DD07T DD: Texts for domain fixed values (language-dependent)
Dynpro areas
- FILENAME Table for converting internal (logical) file names into external names
- PATH Definition of physical file paths for each syntax
- PATHTEXT Logical file path names
- PARAMVALUE Run-time variables for platform-independent file names
Function modules
- TFDIR Function modules
- TFTIT Function module short text
Function groups
- TLIBG Person responsible for function class
- TADIR Catalog of R/3 Repository objects
- TLIBT Function Group Short Texts
- ICON Icons table
- ICONT Icon Texts
Logical databases
- TLDB ABAP/4: Directory and structure of logical data bases
- MACOB Runtime-object “Matchcode-object”
- MACID Runtime-object “Matchcode-ID”
- DD24S Fields of a matchcode ID
- NAST Message status
- TNAPR Processing programs for output
- T100 Messages
- T100A Message-Id’s of T100
- TRDIRE Program attributes (from PROGRAM statement)
- VRSD Version administration: Directory table
- TRCL ABAP/4 program classes
- TDCT Dialog Modules
Repository objects
- TADIR Catalog of R/3 Repository objects
- TBDIR For Repository Switch: delivered TADIR entries
Purchase Requisition
- EBAN Purchase Requisition
- EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
- EBUB Index for Stock Transport Requisitions for Material
- Logical databases: BAM, BKM, BBM
- TFO01 Entity table of font families in SAPscript
- TFO02 SAPscript system fonts
- TFO03 SAPscript printer fonts
- TFO04 AFM fontmetrics for SAPscript font maintenance
- TFO05 SAP bar codes
- TFO06 Printer bar codes
- TFO07 Table with default font family for language
- TFO08 Assignment of font family, language -> replacement family
- TFO09 Assignment of font family to language
- TFO10 Font replacement for special device type
- TSP03 Spool: Printer declaration
- TSP03C Spool: Device Description Extension
- TSP07 Spool: Paper used by the printer
- TSP08 Spool: Paper formats
- TSP09 Spool: Printer drivers
- TSP0A Spool: Device types
Status (menu)
- D340L CUA status header – run-time header
- D341L Control table for CUA run-time object 1 (AB.MENU,PF)
- D342L Table for long CUA objects
Switch objects
- TODIR Switch object list
Tables and views
- DD02ALL Table parameters for ALLBASE
- DD02DB6 Table parameter DB2 version 2
- DD02INF Table parameters for INFORMIX, Version 6
- DD02L SAP tables
- DD02MSS DD-DB Interface Table for SQL Server 95
- DD02ORA Table parameters for ORACLE, version 6
- DD02SYB Storage parameters for tables in SYBASE
- DD02T R/3-DD: SAP Table Texts
- DD03L Table Fields
- DD03T DD: Texts for fields (language dependent)
- DD04L Data elements
- DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts
- TTDIR Include Tables for Extensions
- TVDIR View Directory
- STXB SAPscript: Texts in non-SAPscript format
- STXH STXD SAPscript text file header
- STXL STXD SAPscript text file lines
- TTXOB Valid text objects
- TVART ABAP/4: Texts of variables in selection conditions
- TSTC Transaction codes
- TSTCA Values for transaction code authorisations
- TSTCP Parameters for transactions
- TSTCT Transaction Code Texts
User parameters
- TPARA Directory of Memory IDs
- TPARAT Memory ID Short Texts
- VARI ABAP/4: Variant storage (similar to INDX)
- VARID Variant directory
- VARINUM Internal number assignment for variants
- VARIT Variant texts
- TVARV Table of variables in selection criteria
- TVARC Variant conditions
- TVARUVN Individual Variant Variable: Assignment TVARV
- TVARCT Text for Variants Conditions
- TVARH Header entries for screen variants
- TVARIND Save screen variants
- BSAD Accounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items)
- BSID Accounting: Secondary index for customers
- BSIW Index table for customer bills of exchange used
- BSIX Index table for customer bills of exchange used
- BSAK Accounting: Secondary index for vendors (cleared items)
- BSIK Accounting: Secondary index for vendors
- BSIP Index for vendor validation of double documents
- BSAS Accounting: Secondary index for G/L accounts (cleared items)
- Logical databases:
Accounting documents
- BKPF Accounting document header
- BSEG Accounting document segment
- BSET Tax data document segment
- BSEC One-time account data document segment
- Logical databases: BRM
Bill Of Material
- MAST Material to BOM Link
- EQST Equipment to BOM Link
- STAS BOMs header
- STKO BOM header
- STPN BOM follow-Up control
- STPO BOM item
- STPU BOM sub-item
- STST Standard BOM link
- STVB Bills of material – Serialisation of posting
- STZU Permanent BOM data
- Bill Of Material
- KBED Capacity requirements record
- Logical databases: POH
- CABS Result of the Statistical Analysis of Table AUSP
- CUFM Customising: Class/Config: Screendesigner Form
- TCME Validity for Global Characteristics
- KLAH Class Header Data
- KLAT Classes: long texts
- KSML Characteristics of a Class
- AUSP Characteristic values
- SWOR Classification System: Catchwords
- KSSK Allocation Table: Object to Class
- TCLG Class groups
- TCLO Key Fields of Objects
- TCLS Classes: Organisational areas
- TCLST Classes: Org. Areas (Texts)
- TCLU Class Status
- COCC PP-PI attributes for characteristics
- COFV Process management – process instr. charact. in ctrl. recipe
- COME Process management – message characteristics
- CORE Process mgmt.- display characteristics of the eval. version
- PLFV PI Characteristics/Sub-Operation Parameter Values
- Matchcodes: CLAS, MERK en KLSW
- Classification
- TCLA Class Types
- TCLAT Class Type Texts
- TCLT Classifiable Objects
- LTCLTT Classifiable Objects: Texts
Classification characteristics
- CABN Characteristic
- CAWN Characteristic values
- CUCO Additional Data for Configurable Objects
- CUCVRNT Variants of Constraints
- CUEX Dependency Storage – Compilation
- CUFM Customising: Class/Config: Screendesigner Form
- CUKB Administrative Information for Dependency Maintenance
- CUKBT Text Table for Dependency Maintenance Admin. Information
- CUKN Dependency Storage – Variants/Configuration
- CUOB Link between Object and Dependency
- CUPE Extension to BOM Item for Variants
- CURSADD Dependency Net Additional Data
- CUVT Variant Table
- CUXREF Object Dependency Cross References
Cost elements, centers, activities
- CSKA Cost elements (data dependent on chart of accounts)
- CSKB Cost elements (data dependent on controlling area)
- CSKS Cost centre master
- CSKT Cost centre texts
- CSKU Cost element texts
- CSLA Activity master
- CSLT Activity type texts
- CSSK Cost centre /cost element
- CSSL Cost centre / activity
- KNA1 General Data in Customer Master
- KNAS Customer master (VAT registration numbers general section)
- KNB1 Customer master (company code)
- KNB4 Customer payment history
- KNB5 Customer master (dunning data) (aanmaangegevens)
- KNBK Customer master (bank details)
- KNC1 Customer master (transaction figures)
- KNC3 Customer master (special G/L transaction figures)
- KNKA Customer master credit management: Central data
- KNKK Customer master credit management: Control area data
- KNMT Customer-Material Info Record Data Table
- KNMTKCustomer-Material Info Record Header Table
- KNVA Customer Master Loading Points
- KNVD Customer master record sales request form
- KNVI Customer Master Tax Indicator
- KNVK Customer Master Contact Partner
- KNVL Customer Master Licenses
- KNVP Customer Master Partner Functions
- KNVS Customer Master Shipping Data
- KNVT Customer Master Record Texts for Sales
- KNVV Customer Master Sales Data
- Logical databases: DDF
- EQUI Equipment master data
- EQKT Equipment short texts
- EQUZ Equipment time segment
- EAPL Allocation of Task Lists to Pieces of Equipment
- Logical databases: EQI
Equipment status
- EQUI Equipment master data
- JSTO Status object information
- JEST Object status
- TJ30 User status
- TJ30T Texts for user status
- TJ02 System status
- TJ02T Texts for system status
Function location
- IFLOT Functional Location (Table)
- IFLOTX Functional location: short texts
- IRLOTX Reference functional location: short texts
- TAPL Allocation of task lists to functional locations
Customising tables
- T370R Reference functional location category
General ledger accounts
- SKA1 G/L accounts master (chart of accounts)
- SKAS G/L account master (chart of accounts: key word list)
- SKAT G/L account master record (chart of accounts: description)
- SKB1 G/L account master (company code)
- SKM1 Sample G/L accounts
- SKMT Sample account names
- SKPF Header Data: Inventory Sampling
Goods movement
- AUFM Goods movements for order
- AFFW Goods movements with errors from confirmations
- SER03 Doc.header f.serial numbers for goods movements
- T440C Planning file entries for goods movements
Inventory document
- IKPF Header: Physical Inventory Document
- ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items
- LINK Inventory document header in WM
- LINP Inventory document item in WM
- LINV Inventory data per quant
Maintenance Order
- AFIH Maintenance Order Header
- AFKO Order header data PP orders
- AFPO Order item (not used much)
- AFRU Order completion confirmations
- AFVC Operation within an order
- AFVV Order position data
- CRCO Assignment of work centre to cost centre
- OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List
- CRHD Work Centre Header
- PLAF Planned order
- HIKO Order master data history
- HIVG PM order history: operations
- Logical databases: CNJ
- MARA Material Master: General Data
- MARC Material Master: C Segment
- MARD Material Master: Storage Location/Batch Segment
- MAKT Material Descriptions
- MAPL Allocation of task lists to materials
- MARV Material Control Record
- MARM Units of Measure
- MBEW Material Valuation
- MCHA Material batches
- MOFF Outstanding Material Master Records
- MSTA Material Master Status
- MVER Material consumption
- MVKE Material Master: Sales Data
- MAPR Material Index for Forecast
- PROP Forecast parameters
- Logical databases: MSM
Material document
- MKPF Header: Material Document
- MSEG Document Segment: Material
- BSIM Secondary Index, Documents for Material
- QMEL Quality notification
- QMIH Quality message – maintenance data excerpt
- AUFK Order master data
- AFKO Order header data PP orders
- AFPO Order item
- JSTO Status object information
- JEST Object status
- Logical databases: ODK
- PCL5 HR/RP Cluster 5; HR Planning Usage
- PREL HR Master Data (Version 3.0 Old Version !)
- PTXT Texts for HR Master Data
- PA0000 HR Master Record: Infotype 0000 (Events)
- PA0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
- PA0002 HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
- PA0003 HR Master Record: Infotype 0003 (Payroll Status)
- PA0004 HR Master Record: Infotype 0004 (Challenge)
- PA0005 HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement)
- PA0006 HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
- PA0007 HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Work Schedule)
- PA0008 HR Master Record: Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)
- PA0009 HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
- PA0010 HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation)
- PA0011 HR Master Record: Infotype 0011 (Ext.Bank Transfers)
- PA0012 HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data Germany)
- PA0013 Infotype Social Insurance – Germany
- PA0014 HR Master Record: Infotype 0014 (Recurr. Bens/Deducs)
- PA0015 HR Master Record: Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)
- PA0016 HR Master Record: Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements)
- Logical databases: PNP
Production resource tools
- AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order
- CRVD_A Link of PRT to Document
- CRVD_B Link of Document to PRT
- CRVE_A Assignment PRT data – equipment
- CRVE_B Assignment equipment – PRT data
- CRVM_A Link of PRT data to a material
- CRVS_A Relationship of PRT internal number to PRT external number
- CRVS_B Relationship of PRT external number to PRT internal number
Customising tables:
- TCF02 PRT categories
- TCF03 Texts for the production resources/tools category
- TCF04 Status of the PRT master
- TCF05 Language-dependent text table for PRT status
- TCF06 Field groups in the PRT master for reference
- TCF07 Language-dependent texts for field groups in PRT master
- TCF08 Assignment of PRT master fields to field groups
- TCF10 PRT control key
- TCF11 Language-dependent text table for PRT control keys
- TCF12 PRT group key
- TCF13 Language-dependent text table for PRT group keys
- PROJ Project definition
- PRPS WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data
- PRTE Scheduling Data for Project Item
- Logical databases: CNJ, PSJ, IMA
Purchase Requisition
- EBAN Purchase Requisition
- EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
- EBUB Index for Stock Transport Requisitions for Material
- Logical databases: BAM, BKM, BBM
Purchasing document
- EKAN Vendor Address: Purchasing Document
- EKBE History of Purchasing Document
- EKBZ History of Purchasing Document – Delivery Costs
- EKET Delivery Schedules
- EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
- EKKO Purchasing Document Header
- EKPO Purchasing Document Item
- EKPB “Material Provided” Item in Purchasing Document
- EKPV Shipping-Specific Data on Stock Tfr. for Purch. Doc. Item
Purchasing info record
- EINA Purchasing Info Record – General Data
- EINE Purchasing Info Record – Purchasing Organization Data
- EIPA Order Price History, Info Record
- EIKP Export/import header data
- EIPO Export/Import Item Data
- KONH Conditions (Header)
- KONP Conditions (Item)
- KONM Conditions (1 Dimensional Quantity Scales)
- KONW Conditions (1 Dimensional Value Scales)
- Logical databases: IFM, ILM
- RKPF Document Header: Reservation
- RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
- Logical databases: RKM, RNM, POH
Sales Document
- VBAK Header Data
- VBAP Item Data
- VBAG Release Data by Schedule Line in Sch.Agrmt.
- VBUK Header Status and Administrative Data
- VBUP Item Status
- VBRL SD Document: Invoice List
- VBPA Partner
- VBKD Business Data
- VBKA Sales activities
- VBEP Schedule Line Data
- VBRK Billing: Header Data (invoice)
- VBRP Billing: Item Data (invoice)
- VBFA Sales Document Flow
- VTTP Shipment item
- LIKP Delivery Header Data
- LIPS Delivery: Item data
- Logical databases: AAV, AKV, ARV, VFV
Sales requirements
- VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records
- VBBS Sales Requirement Totals Record
Storage locations and stocks
- LAGP Storage bins
- LEIN Storage unit header records
- LQUA Quants
- LQUAB Total quant counts for certain strategies
- MEIK Make-to-Order Stock for Customer Order
- MSCA Sales Orders on Hand with Vendor
- MSKA Sales Order Stock
- MBPR Stock at Production Storage Bin
- MLGN Material Data per Warehouse Number
- MLGT Material Data per Storage Type
- SLGH Elements of Stock Population
- Logical databases: S1L, S2L
- PLKO Task list – header
- PLAS Task list – selection of operations/activities
- PLPO Task list – operation/activity
- PLKZ Task list: main header
- PLWP Allocation of Maintenance Packages to Task List Operations
- PLAB Relationships
- PLFH Task list – production resources/tools
- PLFL Task list – sequences
- PLFT Process instructions
- PLFV PI Characteristics/Sub-Operation Parameter Values
- PLMZ Allocation of bill of material items to operations (component list)
- PLPR Log collector for task lists
- MAPL Allocation of task lists to materials
- EAPL Allocation of task lists to pieces of equipment
- TAPL Allocation of task lists to functional locations
Transfer requirement
- LTBK Transfer requirement header
- LTBP Transfer requirement item
- Logical databases: R1L, RBL, RUL
User data
- USR01 User master record (run-time data)
- USR02 Logon data
- USR03 User address data
- USR04 User master authorisations
- USR05 User Master Parameter ID
- USR06 Additional data per user
- USR07 Object/values of last failed authorisation check
- USR08 Table for user menu entries
- USR09 Entries for user menus (work areas)
- USR10 User master authorisation profiles
- USR11 User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10)
- USR12 User master authorisation values
- USR13 Short Texts for Authorisations
- USR14 Surchargeable language versions per user
- USR15 External User Name
- USR20 Date of last user master reorganisation
- USR30 Additional Information for User Menu
- USR40 Table for illegal passwords
- USR41 User master: Additional data
- USRCOBJ Object Filters for Exploding Product Structures
- USRM0 Material Master User Settings: User Screen Reference
- USRM1 Material Master User Settings: Organisational Levels
- USRM2 Material Master User Settings: Logical Screens
- USRMM User settings: material master
Vendor master
- LFA1 General section
- LFAS VAT registration numbers general section
- LFB1 Company code
- LFB5 Dunning data
- LFBK Bank details
- LFC1 Transaction figures
- LFC3 Special G/L transaction figures
- LFM1 Record purchasing organization data
- Logical databases: KDF
WM transfer
- LTAK WM transfer order header
- LTAP WM transfer order item
- LUBU Posting change document
- Logical databases: R0L, RTL
Other tables
- NRIV Number ranges
Useful Transactions
- AL11 Display SAP Directories
- AL12 Display Table Buffer
- SA38 ABAP/4 Reporting
- SA39 SA38 for Parameter Transaction
- SCDN Change Documents for Number Ranges
- SE01 Transport and Correction System
- SE03 Transport Utilities
- SE06 Set Up Workbench Organiser
- SE07 Transport System Status Display
- SE09 Workbench Organiser
- SE11 ABAP/4 Dictionary Maintenance
- SE12 ABAP/4 Dictionary Display
- SE16 Data Browser
- SE17 General Table Display
- SE61 R/3 Documentation
- SE63 Translation
- SE80 ABAP/4 Development Workbench
- SE91 Maintain Messages
- SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes
- SF01 Logical file names
- SM01 Lock transactions
- SM02 System Messages
- SM04 User Overview
- SM12 Display and Delete Locks
- SM13 Display Update Records
- SM21 System Log
- SM31 Table Maintenance
- SM35 Batch Input Monitoring
- SM36 Define Background Job
- SM37 Background Job Overview
- SM38 Queue Maintenance Transaction
- SM39 Job Analysis
- SM50 Work Process Overview
- SMX Display Own Jobs
- SNRO Number Range Objects
- SO21 Maintain PC Work Directory
- SPAD Spool Administration
- SU02 Maintain Authorisation Profiles
- SU53 Display Check Values
- SHDB Record batch input
- FILE Logical file names – client independent
- SA01 Logical file names – client dependant