SAP TCode Controlling
- 1KE4 Profit Center Accounting: Assignment Monitor
- 1KE8 Transfer Documents from Financial Accounting
- 1KEK Profit Center Accounting: Transfer Payables/Receivables
- 2KEU Copy Cost Center Groups
- 2KEV Copy Cost Centers
- 6KEA Display Change Documents
- 7KE1 Change Plan Costs/Revenues: Characteristics
- 7KE2 Display Plan Costs/Revenues: Characteristics
- 8KEG Create Pricing Report
- 9KE9 Display Document
- C000 Overhead Cost Controlling Information System
- CKMLCP Costing Cockpit: Actual Costing – Change/Execute
- CKMPCD Price Change Document
- KA01 Create Cost Element
- KA02 Change Cost Element
- KA03 Display Cost Element
- KA04 Delete Cost Element
- KA23 Display Cost Element
- KA24 Delete Cost elements
- KABL Planning Report
- KAH1 Create Cost element group
- KAH2 Change Cost element group
- KAH3 Display Cost element group
- KAK2 “Change View “”Statistical Key Figures””: Overview”
- KAK3 “Display View “”Statistical Key Figures””: Overview”
- KB21N Enter Direct Activity Allocation
- KB23 Display Direct Activity Allocation
- KB24 Reverse Direct Activity Allocation
- KB31N Enter Statistical Key Figures
- KB33N Display Statistical Key Figures
- KB34N Reverse Statistical Key Figures
- KB41N Enter Manual Repostings of Revenues
- KB43N Display Manual Repostings of Revenues
- KB44N Reverse Manual Repostings of Revenues
- KB65 Enter IAA Reposting: Document Row Selection
- KB66 Display IAA Reposting: Document Row Selection
- KB67 Reverse IAA Reposting: Document Row Selection
- KBH1 Create Statistical Key Figure Group
- KBH2 Change Statistical Key Figure Group
- KBH3 Display Statistical Key Figure Group
- KCH1 Create Profit Center Group
- KCH2 Change Profit Center Group
- KCH3 Display Profit Center Group
- KCH5N Standard Hierarchy for Profit Centers Change
- KCH6N Standard Hierarchy for Profit Centers Display
- KE21N CO-PA Line item entry
- KE24 Line item display – Actual data
- KE25 Line item display – Plan data
- KE27 Periodic valuation
- KE2D Display Sales Orders Containing Errors
- KE30 Execute profitability report
- KE31 Create profitability report
- KE32 Change report
- KE41 Create Condition Records
- KE42 Change Condition Records
- KE43 Display Condition Records
- KE4N Change Pricing Report
- KE4O Display Pricing report
- KE4Q Execute Pricing Report
- KE50 SAP Easy Access Profit Center Accounting
- KE51 Create Profit Center
- KE52 Change Profit Center
- KE53 Display Profit Center
- KE54 Delete Profit Centers
- KE56 Assignment of Profit Centers to Company Codes – Change
- KE5Y Profit Center: Plan Line Items
- KE5Z Profit Center: Actual Line Items
- KEPM CO-PA Planning
- KES1 Change Characteristic Values
- KEU5 Perform act. cost-ctr cost transfer
- KEU8 Change plan transfer of CCtr costs
- KEU9 Display plan transfer of CCtr costs
- KEUB Perform plan cost-ctr cost transfer
- KGI2 Actual Overhead Calculation: Order
- KJH1 Create WBS element group
- KJH2 Change WBS element group
- KJH3 Display WBS element group
- KK01 Create Statistical Key Figure
- KK02 Change Statistical Key Figure
- KK03 Display Statistical Key Figure
- KK04 Master Data Report: Statistical Key Figures
- KK11 Create Condition Records
- KK12 Change Condition Records
- KK13 Display Condition Records
- KK14 Create Condition Records with Reference
- KK87 Actual Settlement: Product Cost Collector
- KK88 Actual Settlement: Cost Object
- KK89 Actual settlement: Cost Object
- KKA0 Change Cutoff Period
- KKA3 Results Analysis for Sales Order
- KKA6 Results Analysis for Sales Order: Enter Data
- KKA9 Delete Results Analysis Data for Sales Order
- KKAK Actual Results Analysis: Sales Orders
- KKAO Calculate Work in Progress: Collective Processing
- KKAS Calculate Work in Progress: Individual Processing
- KKAX Calculate Work in Progress: Individual Processing
- KKBC Application Tree Report Selection Product Cost Controlling
- KKC1 Create Cost Object
- KKC2 Change Cost Object
- KKC3 Display Cost Object
- KKC7 Create Product Group
- KKC8 Change Product Group
- KKC9 Display Product Group
- KKCA Display Variance Line Items for Cost Objects
- KKCS Display Actual Cost Line Items for Cost Objects
- KKF1 Create CO Production Order
- KKF2 Change CO Production Order/QM Order
- KKF3 Display CO Production Order/QM Order
- KKF4 Change Order Planning
- KKF6M Create Multiple Product Cost Collectors for Production Versions
- KKF6N Display Product Cost Collector
- KKF7 Change Product Cost Collector
- KKFB Display Variance Line Items for Orders
- KKG1 Order: Enter Cost of Sales
- KKG2 Project: Enter Cost of Sales
- KKG3 Sales Order: Enter Cost of Sales
- KKH1 Create Cost object group
- KKH2 Change Cost object group
- KKH3 Display Cost object group
- KKP4 Display Cost Object Hierarchy
- KKP6 Reports: Cost Object Hierarchy
- KKRC Summarization: CO object
- KKS1 Variance Calculation
- KKS2 Variance Calculation
- KKS5 Variance Calculation
- KKS6 Variance Calculation
- KL01 Create Activity Type
- KL02 Change Activity Type
- KL03 Display Activity Type
- KL04 Delete Activity Type
- KL05 Display Change Documents: Activity Type
- KL13 Display Activity Types
- KL14 Delete Activity Types
- KLH1 Create Activity type group
- KLH2 Change Activity type group
- KLH3 Display Activity type group
- KO01 Create Internal Order
- KO02 Change Internal Order
- KO03 Display Internal Order
- KO04 Order Manager
- KO12 Change Overall Planning
- KO12N Overall planning for orders: change
- KO13 Display Overall Planning
- KO13N Overall planning for orders: Display
- KO14 Copy Planning
- KO14N Set planner profile
- KO15 Copy Actual to Plan
- KO22 Change Original Budget
- KO23 Display Original Budget
- KO24 Change Supplement
- KO25 Display Supplement
- KO2A Change Document
- KO2B Display Document
- KO88 Actual Settlement: Order
- KO8B Display settlement document
- KO8G Actual Settlment: Orders
- KO9E Planned Settlement: Internal orders
- KO9G Planned Settlement: Internal orders
- KOB1 Display Actual Cost Line Items for Orders
- KOB2 Display Commitment Line Items for Orders
- KOB3 Display Variance Line Items for Orders
- KOB4 Display Budget Line Items for Orders
- KOB8 Display Results Analysis Line Items for Orders
- KOC4 Order Selection
- KOCF Fiscal year close: Carry forward commitment
- KOCO Budget Carryforward for Orders
- KOH1 Create Order Group
- KOH2 Change Order Group
- KOH3 Display Order Group
- KOK2 Collective Processing for Internal Orders
- KOK3 Collective Display for Internal Orders
- KOK4 Automatic Collective Processing for Internal Orders
- KOK5 Master Data List for Orders
- KOW1N Create Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle
- KOW2N Change Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle
- KOW3N Display Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle
- KOW4N Delete Actual Periodic Reposting Cycle
- KP04 Set planner profile
- KP06 Change CElem/Activity input planning
- KP07 Display planning CElem/Act. input
- KP26 Change Activity Type/Price Planning
- KP27 Display Activity Type/Price Planning
- KP46 Change Statistical Key Figure Planning
- KP47 Display Statistical Key Figure Planning
- KP90 Delete Planned Costs (All Integrated Planning Objects)
- KP98 Copy Actual to Plan
- KP9R Copy CO Resource Prices
- KPD6 Change Statistical Key Figure Planning
- KPD7 Display Statistical Key Figure Planning
- KPF6 Change CElem/activity input plannin
- KPF7 Display CElem./Acty input planning
- KPG5 Report Painter: Create Orders: Planning layout for cost elements/activ
- KPG6 Report Painter: Change Orders: Planning layout for cost elements/activ
- KPG7 Report Painter: Display Orders: Planning layout for cost elements/activ
- KPSI Execute Plan Reconciliation
- KRMI Display Actual Cost Line Items for Orders
- KS01 Create Cost Center
- KS02 Change Cost Center
- KS03 Display Cost Center
- KS04 Delete Cost Center
- KS05 Display Change Documents: Cost Center
- KS12 Change Cost Centers
- KS13 Display Cost Centers
- KS14 Delete Cost Centers
- KSB1 Display Actual Cost Line Items for Cost Centers
- KSB2 Display Commitment Line Items for Cost Centers
- KSBP Display Plan Cost Line Items for Cost Centers
- KSBT Activity Type Price Report
- KSC1N Create Cycle for Actual Indirect Activity Allocation
- KSC2N Change Cycle for Actual Indirect Activity Allocation
- KSC3N Display Cycle for Actual Indirect Activity Allocation
- KSC4N Delete Cycle for Actual Indirect Activity Allocation
- KSC6N Act. indirect acty alloc.: Overview
- KSC7N Create Cycle for Planned Indirect Activity Allocation
- KSC8N Change Cycle for Planned Indirect Activity Allocation
- KSC9N Display Cycle for Planned Indirect Activity Allocation
- KSCB Execute plan indirect acty alloc.
- KSCCN Document List for Selected Cycle
- KSH1 Create Cost Center Group
- KSH2 Change Cost Center Group
- KSH3 Display Cost Center Group
- KSS4 Plan Cost Splitting
- KSU1N Create Actual Assessment Cycle
- KSU2N Change Actual Assessment Cycle
- KSU3N Display Actual Assessment Cycle
- KSU4N Delete Actual Assessment Cycle
- KSU5 Execute actual assessment
- KSU6N Document List for Selected Cycle
- KSU7N Create Plan Assessment Cycle
- KSU8N Change Plan Assessment Cycle
- KSU9N Display Plan Assessment Cycle
- KSUAN Delete Plan Assessment Cycle
- KSUB Execute plan assessment
- KSUCN Plan assessment: Overview
- KSV1N Create Actual Distribution Cycle
- KSV2N Change Actual Distribution Cycle
- KSV3N Display Actual Distribution Cycle
- KSV4N Delete Actual Distribution Cycle
- KSV5 Execute actual distribution
- KSV6N Actual distribution: Overview
- KSV7N Create Plan Distribution Cycle
- KSV8N Change Plan Distribution Cycle
- KSV9N Display Plan Distribution Cycle
- KSVAN Delete Plan Distribution Cycle
- KSVCN Plan distribution: Overview
- KSWB Execute plan periodic reposting
- KVA5 Transfer Actual Data from LIS
- OKENN Standard Hierarchy for Cost Centers Display
- OKEON Standard Hierarchy for Cost Centers Change
- OKKP “Change View “”Basic data””: Overview (Maintain Controlling Area)”
- OKO5 Delete CO orders
- OKP1 Maintain Period Lock
- OKP2 Display Period Lock
- PCA1 Create Production Campaign
- PCA2 Change Production Campaign
- PCA3 Display Production Campaign
- PCCO Production Campaign: Costs – Itemization