SAP TCodes Materials Management
- ME00 SAP Easy Access Purchasing
- ME01 Maintain Source List
- ME03 Display Source List
- ME04 Changes to Source List
- ME05 Generate Source List
- ME06 Analyze Source List
- ME07 Reorganize Source List
- ME08 Send Source List
- ME0M Source List for Material
- ME11 Create Info Record
- ME12 Change Info Record
- ME13 Display Info Record
- ME14 Changes to Purchasing Info Record
- ME15 Flag Info Record for Deletion
- ME16 Deletion Proposals for Info Records
- ME17 Archive Administration (Purchasing Info Records)
- ME18 Send Purchasing Info Record
- ME1A Archived Purchasing Info Records
- ME1B Define Background Job
- ME1E Quotation Price History
- ME1L Info Records per Vendor
- ME1M Info Records per Material
- ME1P Purchase Order Price History
- ME1W Info Records Per Material Group
- ME1X Print Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet for Vendor
- ME1Y Print Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet for Material
- ME21N Create Purchase Order
- ME22N Change Purchase Order
- ME23N Display Purchase Order
- ME24 Maintain PO Supplement
- ME25 Create PO (with Source Determination)
- ME26 Display PO Supplement
- ME27 Create Purchase Order (Stock Transfer)
- ME28 Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents
- ME29N Display Purchase Order (Individual Release)
- ME2A Monitor Vendor Confirmations
- ME2B Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number
- ME2C Purchasing Documents for Material Group
- ME2J Purchasing Documents per Project
- ME2K Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment
- ME2L Purchasing Documents per Vendor
- ME2M Purchasing Documents for Material
- ME2N Purchasing Documents per Document Number
- ME2O SC Stock Monitoring for Vendor
- ME2S PO Reporting with Services
- ME2V Expected Goods Receipts
- ME2W Purchasing Documents per Supplying Plant
- ME308 Send Contracts (with Conditions)
- ME31 Create Outline Agreement
- ME31K Create Contract
- ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement
- ME32 Change Outline Agreement
- ME32K Change Contract
- ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement
- ME33 Display Outline Agreement
- ME33K Display Contract
- ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement
- ME34 Maintain Outline Agreement Supplement
- ME34K Maintain Contract Supplement
- ME34L Maintain Sched. Agmt. Suppl.
- ME35 Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents
- ME35K Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents (Outline Agreement)
- ME35L Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents (Scheduling Agreement)
- ME36 Display Outline Agreement Supplement
- ME37 Create Scheduling Agreement
- ME38 Maintain Sch. Agmt Schedule
- ME39 Display Sch. Agmt Schedule
- ME3A Send Release Document
- ME3B Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number
- ME3C Purchasing Documents for Material Group
- ME3J Outline Agreements per Project
- ME3K Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment
- ME3L Purchasing Documents per Vendor
- ME3M Purchasing Documents for Material
- ME3N Purchasing Documents per Document Number
- ME3P Define Background Job
- ME3R Define Background Job
- ME3S Contract Reporting with Services
- ME41 Create RFQ
- ME42 Change RFQ
- ME43 Display RFQ
- ME44 Maintain RFQ Supplement
- ME45 Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents (RFQ)
- ME47 Maintain Quotation
- ME48 Display Quotation
- ME49 Price Comparison List
- ME4B Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number (RFQ)
- ME4C Purchasing Documents for Material Group (RFQ)
- ME4L Purchasing Documents per Vendor (RFQ)
- ME4M Purchasing Documents for Material (RFQ)
- ME4N Purchasing Documents per Document Number (RFQ)
- ME4S RFQs per Collective Number
- ME51N Create Purchase Requisition
- ME52N Change Purchase Requisition
- ME53N Display Purchase Requisition
- ME54N Release Purchase Requisition (Individual Release)
- ME55 Collective Release of Purchase Requisitions
- ME56 Assign Source to Supply to Requisitions
- ME57 Assign and Process Purchase Requisitions
- ME58 Ordering: Assigned Purchase Requisitions
- ME59N Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions
- ME5A List Display of Purchase Requisitions
- ME5F Release (Approval) Reminder: Purchase Requisitions
- ME5J List Display of Purchase Requisitions for Project
- ME5K List Display of Purchase Requisitions (by Account Assignment)
- ME5W Resubmission of Purchase Requisitions
- ME61 Maintain Vendor Evaluation
- ME62 Display Vendor Evaluation
- ME63 Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Subcriteria
- ME64 Evaluation Comparison
- ME65 Ranking List of Vendors
- ME6A Display Change Documents
- ME6B Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group
- ME6C Vendors Without Evaluation
- ME6D Vendors Not Evaluated Since…
- ME6E Evaluation Records Without Weighting Key
- ME6F Print Vendor Evaluation Sheet
- ME6G Define Background Job
- ME6H Vendor Evaluation Analysis
- ME80 Purchasing Documents (General Analysis)
- ME80A Purchasing Documents (RFQs)
- ME80AN General Evaluations (RFQs)
- ME80F Purchasing Documents (Purchase Orders)
- ME80FN General Evaluations (Purchase Orders)
- ME80R Purchasing Documents (Outline Agreements)
- ME80RN General Evaluations (Outline Agreement)
- ME81N Analysis of Purchase Order Values
- ME82 Archived Purchasing Documents
- ME84 Create Releases
- ME84A Individual Display of Scheduling Agreement Release
- ME85 Renumber SA Delivery Schedule Lines
- ME86 Aggregation/Disaggregation of Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
- ME87 Summarization and Removal of PO History Records
- ME88 Set/Reset Agreed Cumulative Quantity and Reconciliation Date
- ME91 Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters
- ME91A Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters
- ME91E Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters (Scheduling Agreement)
- ME91F Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters (Purchase Orders)
- ME92 Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments
- ME92F Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Purchase Order)
- ME92K Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Contract)
- ME92L Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Scheduling Agreement)
- ME98 Archive Administration (Purchasing Documents)
- ME99 Output from Purchase Orders
- ME9A Message Output (Request for Quotation)
- ME9E Message Output (Scheduling Agreement)
- ME9F Message Output (Purchase Order)
- ME9K Message Output (Contract)
- ME9L Message Output (Scheduling Agreement)
- MEAN “Address maintanance: Initial screen “”Delivery addresses (master data)””
- MEB0 Cancel Settlement Runs
- MEB1 Create Agreement (Rebate Arrangement)
- MEB2 Change Agreement (Rebate Arrangement)
- MEB3 Display Agreement (Rebate Arrangement)
- MEB4 Settlement: Vendor Rebate Arrangements, Purchasing
- MEB5 List of Vendor Rebate Arrangements: Purchasing
- MEB8 Detailed Statement; Vendor Busn. Vols.: Reb. Arrangements, Purchasing
- MEDL Price Change Involving Vendor’s Contracts
- MEI1 Changes to Purchasing Documents Due to Changes in Conditions
- MEI2 Mass Adjustment of Documents Due to Changes in Documentss
- MEI3 Recompilation of Doc. Index (Auto. Document Adj., Subseq.
- Settlement)
- MEI4 Automatic Document Adjustment: Create Worklist
- MEI5 Automatic document adjustment: delete worklist
- MEI6 Delete document index (Auto. Doc. Adjustment, Subsequent Settlement)
- MEI7 Make Price Change in Open Purchase Orders
- MEI8 Recompilation of document index (doc. adjustment) for payment docs
- MEI9 Recompilation of Doc. Index (Doc. Adjustment) for Vend. Billing Docs
- MEK1 Create Condition Records
- MEK2 Change Condition Records
- MEK3 Display Condition Records
- MEK31 Change Condition Records
- MEK32 Change Condition Records
- MEK33 Display Condition Records
- MEK4 Create Condition Records with Reference
- MEKA Purchasing Conditions
- MEKB Conditions by Contract
- MEKC Conditions by Info Record
- MEKD Conditions for Material Group
- MEKE Conditions by Vendor
- MEKF Conditions for Material Type
- MEKG Conditions by Condition Group of Vendor
- MEKH Market Price
- MEKI Conditions by Incoterms
- MEKJ Conditions for Invoicing Party
- MEKK Conditions by Vendor Subrange
- MEKL Price Change Involving Vendor’s Scheduling Agreements
- MEKLE Currency Change for Scheduling Agreement Conditions of Vendor
- MEKP Price Change Involving Vendor’s Info Records
- MEKPE Currency Change for Info Record Conditions of Vendor
- MEKR Price Change Involving Vendor’s Contracts
- MEKRE Currency Change for Contract Conditions of Vendor
- MELB Purchasing Transactions per Requirement Tracking Number
- MEPA Order Price Simulation/Price Information
- MEPB Price Information/Vendor Negotiation Sheet
- MEPO Display Purchase Order
- MEQ1 Maintain Quota Arrangement
- MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement
- MEQ4 Changes to Quota Arrangement
- MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement
- MEQ8 Quota Arrangement for Material
- MEQB Define Background Job
- MEQM Quota Arrangement for Material
- MEU2 Perform Comparison of Business Volumes
- MEW6 Assign Purchase Orders WEB
- MEW7 Release of Service Entry Sheets
- MEW8 Release of Service Entry Sheet
- MK01 Create Vendor (Purchasing)
- MK02 Change Vendor (Purchasing)
- MK03 Display Vendor (Purchasing)
- MK04 Vendor Account Changes (Purchasing)
- MK05 Block/Unblock Vendor (Purchasing)
- MK06 Flag for Deletion Vendor (Purchasing)
- MK12 Plan Vendor
- MK14 Planned Vendor Account Changes
- MK19 Display in future Vendor
- MKVG Vendor’s Settlement and Condition Groups
- MKVZ List of Vendors: Purchasing
- MM00 SAP Easy Access Material Master
- MM01 Create Material
- MM02 Change Material
- MM03 Display Material
- MM04 Display Changes
- MM06 Flag Material for Deletion
- MM11 Schedule Creation of Material
- MM12 Schedule Changing of Material
- MM16 Schedule Material for Deletion
- MM19 Display Material at Key Date
- MM50 Extend Material View(s)
- MM60 Materials List
- MMAM Change Material Type
- MMH1 Create Trading Goods
- MMI1 Create Operating Supplies
- MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material
- MMPI Initialize Period for Material Master Records
- MMPV Close Period for Material Master Records
- MMR1 Create Raw Material
- MMRV Allow Posting to Previous Period
- MMS1 Create Service
- MMSC Enter storage locations collectivel
- MMU1 Create Non-Valuated Material
- MMV1 Create Packaging
- MMVD Change Material
- MMVH Create Material
- MMVV Change Material
- MMZ2 Change Material
- MN01 Create Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
- MN02 Change Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
- MN03 Display Output – Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
- MN04 Create Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order
- MN05 Change Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order
- MN06 Display Output – Condition Records: Purchase Order
- MN07 Create Output – Condition Records: Purch. Outline Agr.
- MN08 Change Output – Condition Records: Purch. Outline Agr.
- MN09 Display Output – Condition Records: Purch. Outline Agr.
- MN10 Create Output – Condition Records: Purch. Sch Agr Release
- MN11 Change Output – Condition Records: Purch. Sch Agr Release
- MN12 Display Output – Condition Records: Purch. Sch Agr Release
- MN13 Create Output – Condition Records: Entry Sheet
- MN14 Change Output – Condition Records: Entry Sheet
- MN15 Display Output – Condition Records: Entry Sheet
- MN21 Create Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management
- MN22 Change Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management
- MN23 Display Output – Condition Records: Inventory Management
- MN24 Create Output – Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
- MN25 Change Output – Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
- MN26 Display Output – Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
- MP01 Maintain Approved Manufacturer Parts List
- MP02 Display Approved Manufacturer Parts List
- MR00 SAP Easy Access Invoice
- MR02 Invoice Items Release
- MR03 Display Original Document
- MR08 Cancel Invoice Document
- MR11 Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account
- MR21 Price Change – Overview Screen
- MR42 Change Parked Document
- MR43 Display Parked Document
- MR44 Post Parked Document
- MR90 Output Messages in Logistics Invoice Verification
- MR91 Messages for Invoice Verification
- MRA1 Archive Administration: Create Archive Files
- MRA2 Archive Administration: Execute Delete Program
- MRA3 Analysis of Invoice Document Archive
- MRM0 SAP Easy Access Logistics Invoice Verification
- MRM1 Create Message: Invoice Verificatio
- MRM2 Change Output – Condition Records: Invoice Verification
- MRM3 Display Output – Condition Records: Invoice Verification
- MRNB Revaluation with Logistics Invoice Verification
- MSRV2 Reporting on Services (Purchase Requisition)
- MSRV4 Reporting on Services (RFQ)
- WC23 Logistics Invoice Verification – Verification in Background
- WF10 Create Collective Purchase Order: Selection and Control Parameters